The Experience of Life is a Lesson on how Short and Fleeting Each Moment is. We should and must Enjoy and Celebrate Every Moment in Our Lives Because they are Special and Significant. When life presents challenges that seem to overwhelm us, there should be Comfort and Rest in the Knowledge and Understanding that we have a Hope and Faith that transcends Human Knowledge and Limitations, which gives us that Boldness and Assurance during our Lowest Moments; which are just Temporal Jolts of Inspiration that will trigger a Mighty Wave of Energy and Passion that will form Currents of Healing and Peace bringing Comfort and Satisfaction to our Soul and Nourishment to our Heart.
My experience has always been to never despise low beginnings, because desperate times inspire courageous actions. It is the actions we take or inaction, our response to desperate times or lack thereof that will determine how we will survive in times of turbulence. Cautionary advice to hold onto in these times;
1. Never doubt, undermine, or underestimate your ability, capability, or talents; They are always the pathways to your success.
2. Celebrate Small Victories and find Relevance in them.
3. Take a chance, Do not stay Complacent; Complacency breeds Lasciviousness and Mediocrity.
4. Be thankful; Find time to be Grateful for the People, Things, Gifts, Opportunities, and Blessings God has given and bestowed upon you. No matter how Small, when you sum them up, it results to an insurmountable, indescribable, and unfathomable Testament of Grace.
5. Have a Joyful Disposition, when we react joyfully in times of desperation and in times of celebration, it reinforces our Faith and Belief that no matter what our circumstance and situation may be, there is something better at the end of the tunnel.
6. Ask questions; take a Self Evaluation or Assessment and Analyze yourself and the situation; a Self Diagnosis will reveal to you your strengths and weaknesses, your talents and abilities, your creativity and insight, your innovative nature, and your character. How? It is not Self Criticism, Self Condemnation, Guilty Aspersions, Blame Game, Fault Finding, or Responsibility Dodging that brings a Solution. It is a self assessment to discover the lessons learned, discover new knowledge or understanding, and bring clarity to life choices and experiences.
7. Find or create a Balance. Balance in life is essential. Find sometime and someplace that relaxes your mind, challenges your intellect, provokes your creativity, stimulates your mental attitude, awakens your vision, motivates your inner passion, and empowers and emboldens you. This could be a hobby, an activity, talent, ability, or skill. Celebrate it, Live it, and Make the Most of it.
In conclusion, I pray that you find the Peace within you to be Stable during the Storms of Life. I pray for a Courage and Determination in you that will negate every form of negativity, frustration, and fear.
I pray for the Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding to know what to do and how to do it.
I pray for a Spirit of Hope and Expectation that assures you that your Worst times are just temporal, that the lessons and experiences from these times serve only to remind you of the Testimony that is ahead.
I pray for a Spirit of Determination that douses every form of mediocrity, lasciviousness and complacency, and awakens the passion and ability in you to succeed.
I pray for a Spirit of Joy that keeps you thankful and grateful even when all around you seems desperate and despondent.
I pray for a Vision and Understanding of what your gifts, talents, and abilities are, so you can use them to the best of your ability and to the glory of God. I pray for a Spirit of Wise Counsel and Discernment to know between right and wrong and how to make Godly choices.
I pray that you will find the Wisdom and Understanding to discover the Strength in you, to tap into the Greatness upon you, to reveal the Beauty within you, and come to the full realization of your Purpose in life.