Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Chinedu N. Onyegbula
E-mail: conyegbula@msn.com

Bi-lingual and resourceful individual seeking employment in the area of international development, administration, and coordination of international programs/services

· More than 6 years experience conducting international research on power and energy management in developing countries.
· 5 years program management experience including the grant seeking process and budget implementation
· Contributory writer and speaker to various international development and policy organizations
· Excellent research, writing and leadership skills
· High level multi-tasking capabilities
· Energetic and collaborative team player

M.A, Public Administration, Southeastern University, Washington DC. May 2008

B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Howard University, Washington DC. Dec 2004

Summer Intern and Graduate Fellow, Center for American Progress , Washington, DC
· Conducted research on technology development and investment of bio-fuels (Jatropha, ethanol, etc) in Africa especially by the non-oil producing countries.
· Performed a SWOT analysis on the impact of bio-fuel investment on the African economy.
· Studied and analyzed investments in energy development and its impact on climate change in developing nations especially India and China.
· Analyzed and compiled data on U.S. Energy investments in R&D based in FY 2006 accessing the impact of climate change.
· Attended seminars sponsored by the center and compiled notes for publication.
· Presented research findings and analysis to center experts and principal investigators.
· Assisted in preparing briefings and newsletters for publication and presentation at events.
· Undertook administrative projects including preparing for events and large meetings.

Administrative Intern, The Podesta Group, Washington DC (July 2007-September 2007)
· Collaborated with interns to analyze key legislative and policy initiatives by attending hearings by the U.S. Congress on drug regulation and healthcare.
· Compiled and summarized notes from hearings for internal publication and presentation.
· Supported in managing and organizing database entries of various lobby group accounts with the firm.
· Assisted in implementing key fundraising activities for congressional members.
· Provided administrative support for effective and efficient office operation.

Research Associate, Howard University Center for Energy Systems and Control (CESAC), Washington DC (January 2007-May 2007)
· Conducted research on the effective management and control of photo-voltaic, a form of renewable energy on a dynamic power system network.
· Performed a cost-benefit analysis of the importance of renewable energy in developing countries as well as a study of its relevant ethical and safety issues.
· Assisted in writing proposals and soliciting grants for funding research projects, workshops, and youth mentorship program for the center
· Assisted in writing and editing CESAC publications and presentations on power system operation and management using state of the art simulation and analytical tools.
· Presented research findings and technical expertise on best practices in power and energy management at conferences in developing countries.

Administrative Assistant (January 2001-August 2006)
· Supervised the activities of 3 interns which included assigning relevant tasks/projects and conducting performance assessments.
· Worked under the direction of the principal investigator to manage the entire operations of the center including administer budget, hiring staff, process payroll, schedule meetings and appointments, and develop presentation materials.
· Assisted in planning and organizing workshops and conferences worldwide.
· Organized youth mentorship programs for pre-freshmen engineering students.

Professional/ Community Affiliations
*Member, American Society of Public Administration (Member, SICA Section)
*Member, Young Professional International Committee of UNA-NCA
*Coordinator, Nigeria Community Youth Group US
*Graduate Fellow, United Nations Association of the National Capital Area (2007)
*Graduate, IHS Summer Seminar on Poverty and Prosperity (2007)
*Community Volunteer, RCCG Jesus House DC

English- Fluent (Oral and Written)
Igbo- Fluent (Oral and Written)
French- Basic Conversant (Oral and Written)

Microsoft Office; Windows OS; SPSS; Matlab; Simulink; PSPICE; Adobe, Digital Audio/Video Editing, Website/Blog Design, Internet/Library Research.
Published April 7th 2009

My Political Ideology (Summary)

My political ideology follows the path of Traditional Conservative. As a Traditional Conservative, I believe in preserving our rich cultural heritage passed down by our founding fathers, a heritage based on liberty, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness, certain inalienable rights. I believe that as a Traditional Conservative the good morals of society must be upheld, and it begins with a strong family foundation, self-discipline, and civility. I also believe that our religious tradition must be respected and honored, never as a guise to separate or divide, but to remind us of the principles of what our constitution was based on. As a Traditional Conservative, I believe government should not over-meddle in people’s personal lives but provide policies and opportunities that enhance and lead to economic enhancement, social growth, fiscal growth, a robust economy, strong and secure defense strategy, social welfare, a global leader in espousing and developing freedom through foreign relations. Government can do these by providing tax incentives, education empowerment through vouchers, faith-based initiative programs, strong monetary and fiscal policies, fair and responsible foreign trade negotiations, actively encouraging good governance and democracy around the world, and promoting economic development around the world, as well as others.

I believe the best opportunity for failing schools to improve and for underprivileged children to be empowered is to give them access to the best education, both schools and the children are challenged, schools change and adapt to be better, and the children get an opportunity to a good education. The government needs to invest and manage Social Security funds, and Social Security will go bankrupt in a few years. I believe empowering people to invest their money gives them confidence in ensuring it is being invested properly.

Published October 21st, 2008

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Potential and Opportunities for Economic Growth in Africa...

Very little credit has been given to Africa for the immense growth and development that has taken place especially in the area of use and adaptation of modern technology in development, enhanced and sustainable financial market in capital investment and development opportunity, increased political independence and responsibility with regards the rule of law, and flow of free market enterprise that has transformed and elavated the economic system and standards of the continent. Nigeria for example has grown by tremendous leaps and bounds from its colonial years to date, recovering slowly from the misfortunes of it and on pace to become one of the 20 most vibrant economies by 2020. This immense growth and development has happened in a short period of time as a result of a renewed resilience by Africans to take responsibility and hold themselves accountable for the change they desire and not relegate that responsibility and duty to foreign influence. Given, the bruises and scars from colonialism and subsequently foreign domination of the development, implementation, and regulation of policy actions that relate to economic, social, and political development remain, the lessons have served as the motivation and impetus to reverse and change what used to be our accepted norm to an enhanced realization and understanding of what our hope and expectation for our future is. A future where every citizen has equal right and access to fair representation in the polity; has equal and fair access to the opportunity of an education; has equal right and access to invest and create opportunity for human capacity building through developing innovative ideas and solutions to society's problems and challenges without fear or intimidation; and above all knowledge ability is recognized and channeled properly, talent potential and ability revered and respected, creativity and ingenuity challenged and developed, and visionary attitude embraced and enhanced.

In a free society where people are able to actively participate, contribute, and add value to the growth and development of economic principles, ideas, concepts, and opinions on enhancing human capacity development, social responsibility, academic knowledge and understanding, professional development, and political empowerment, a strong public policy agenda that supports these issues is critical. For any free society, the establishment and existence of institutions that encourage investment, free enterprise, and networks that enhance and encourage private sector development, as well as public sector accountability and responsibility is essential. 
Coming from a country that is widely considered a developing country but has made great strides in adjusting and shifting to a free market enterprise, changes in the public and private sector has provided immense opportunities for the common man to participate and contribute to the growth and development of the free market. By free market, I mean a situation where private enterprise is allowed to be established, work and operate, and develop in a society where the public sector provides the support mechanism in terms of policy framework and security to assure that investments are safe, exchange of knowledge and ideas freely is encouraged, fear and intimidation in the implementation of services is minimal, competition for goods and services are available, private and public capital are easily tapped into and developed, human capacity are readily available, tools and resources for the growth and development of the economy are continually enhanced through sheer innovation and talent acquisition, and most of all the Rule of Law is adhered to and respected. 

Based on my experience, it is a long way from there in Nigeria but it on a more positive path as of before. With the growth and development in the Telecommunications Industry which is essential for any developing country to advance and move from poverty to prosperity, to the modernization and rapid advancement in the banking sector that has recorded the biggest investments by private citizens both foreign and home as assets, to the growth in the technology and methodology for agricultural harvesting, to development of natural resources and manufacturing of commodity goods for import and general consumption by the people at market competitive prices, among others. These opportunities have provided professional employment for people, personal security for the future, and a knowledge database to develop and build on the understanding of what works, how it works, and how best to optimize it for great efficiency and productive performance.

I visited Nigeria in 2002, it had been 5 years prior since I left to further my studies in the United States. I was surprised at the level of growth and development, ingenuity, and courage and determination of the average Nigerian to use common sense motivated with a vision of the knowledge and understanding of solving a problem or overcoming a limitation that presents itself in society using their passion to succeed for themselves. It reminds me that these is no shortage of talent or ideas or solutions to solve our problems in Nigeria just an ignorant and incorrect admission to the limitation we place on ourselves or we allow others to place on us. I was surprised to see...

Written December 2008

Friday, September 2, 2022

Nigeria Energy Transition Plan: My Insights

The Nigeria Energy Transition Plan (NETP) is a bold and transformative push by the Federal Government of Nigeria to drastically reduce their contributions to the effects of greenhouse emissions and prepare Nigeria to become a leading energy neutral country that is energy independent, clean, and sustainable. That promise is not without its challenges, for the first time, the vision for this plan was not spoon fed or forced on us by external forces, it was borne out of a recognition and understanding that without proper planning and with our population and poverty indices increasingly becoming unbearable, drastic actions were needed to forestall a pandemic with possible worse implications than the Covid-19. It was on this backdrop at the COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland in 2021 where HE President Muhammadu Buhari announced Nigeria’s commitment to carbon neutrality by 2060 and the Energy Transition Plan was born. 

The NETP was preceded by the passing and signing of the Climate Change Act 2021, an act that showed and demonstrated the commitment of the Federal Government to abiding and honoring their part of Paris Agreement, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Kyoto Protocol, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), UN SDGs and other standards and guidelines relevant to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Already, the NETP has been approved by the Federal Government through the Federal Executive Council (FEC) and an Energy Transition Implementation Working Group (ETIWG) inaugurated which is chaired by HE Vice President Prof Osinbajo SAN. The ETIWG is tasked with driving and implementing the NETP. 

What should we expect from NETP? 
The NETP will focus on reducing emissions from the major emitters or contributors to emissions in the key sectors which make up to 65% of our total emissions being power, transport, oil and gas, cooking, and industry using innovative technology solutions and attracting sustainable investments that will enhance and ensure our competitive advantage especially in local content opportunities (manufacturing, human capacity building and development, industrial development, and technology). The goal is to domesticate, industrialize, and institutionalize practices, processes, and projects that are clean, sustainable, and competitive while meeting our energy needs, promoting socioeconomic development, and advancing our shared interests and opportunities. 

Nigeria understands that to achieve this, it will not be done by maintaining the status quo or playing lip service, it needs and requires bold ideas and the active engagement and collaboration of relevant stakeholders to understand the problems and challenges, identify feasible and cost effective solution options to achieve it based on our shared interests and realities, and working together with actionable plans and activities to develop and implement a framework that is incremental, sustainable, and realistic. These options should include and consider a diverse energy mix within our competitive advantage. The coordination and implementation should be for, of, and by Nigeria. We understand our burdens and challenges better, would have to live with the consequences and implications, and stand to gain and learn from the lessons and opportunities emanating from it. 

Unlike other country Energy Transition Plans, Nigeria’s is unique in that it understands the realities and complexities of our country demography, our energy challenges and opportunities, and the promise of our shared interests and commitment towards a cleaner, diverse, and more sustainable energy mix leveraging from the lessons of what some have termed the oil curse. The lessons from the Russian-Ukraine Conflict should serve as a lesson and insight on the dangers and challenges of unnecessary reliance on a commodity you don't have control over. In our case, Nigeria has chosen to use gas as a transition fuel, a product we have in abundance and are among the top 20 in the world in terms of reserves. This gas will feed into these five sectors that are major emitters and contribute in reducing our carbon emissions while promoting economic development, energy diversification, and sustainable and transformative solutions to our infrastructure problems. 

It is estimated that $1.9T is required to get to Net Zero by 2060 which translates to about $10B annually. This will be no easy feat to achieve but not impossible. As of today, September 1st 2022, HE VP Yemi Osinbajo is in the USA drumming up support and mobilizing necessary resources to achieve this goal. However, we must work towards ensuring that certain minimum requirements are met. I have outlined them summarily below. 

They are: 
Transparency: There must be the highest priority given to ensure that the public is carried along, sensitized, and engaged in every process and expenditures. Civil society and consumer advocacy group nominations must be part of the ETIWG and carried along in the processes especially the procurement stages. Monitoring and evaluation should form a strong part of the implementation mechanism and structure with a clear and informed reporting framework. 

Sustainability: This should be given attention to ensure that plans and processes are institutionalized and given the necessary backing of law and enabling environment to enable them achieve expectations. Given the looming threat and challenge of the pending elections in Nigeria, which calls for concern, such issues should be addressed. Entities and structures like the NSIA should form part of the implementing and coordinating bodies. 

Policy Coordination and Enforcement: It is important that whatever provisions that are provided as incentives, penalties, processes, procedures, and requirements are regulated and enforced. The policies must pass the test of responsibility, fairness and equity, competitive advantage that ensures and protects our national shared interests, innovation, and effectiveness through careful data collection, research, and engagement. 

Nigeria First, Nigeria Always: Our efforts must focus on leveraging our competitive advantage by building and enhancing our capacity in sectors we are lagging and protecting our interests while enshrining an open, fair, responsible process for local content development, competitive and accessible financing opportunities, and innovative industrialization through partnerships, strategic investment opportunities, and engagements with global stakeholders and entities that meet our shared interests and requirements. 

Human Capital and Capacity Focus: Efforts and commitments should be made to ensure that the right combination of competence, capacity, and character across the value chain is involved in the process of the development and implementation of this plan stating with the ETIWG. This should filter down to the procurement and award of contracts, partnerships embarked, and financial and technical support and development companies that will be involved in every facet of this process. 

Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Strategies: The environmental impact and implications of actions and activities emanating from the plan including transition and new technologies should be considered and accommodated to mitigate. Such issues as investing in and developing learning and adaptive solution options for technology utilization and implementation should be considered. 

In conclusion, the reality is that Nigeria may have to still rely on fossil fuels, looking even beyond gas. Other clean energy solutions must be considered and invested in to develop, like hydrogen, but any and every new technology must be planned for and managed appropriately to avoid the risks and issues the implications of such has on the poor, marginalized, and disadvantaged. Flexibility and adaptability in our diversification and utilization options based on new realities influenced by new knowledge and understanding must be considered. Our options should never hedge us into a cage that limits or prohibits our survival and competitive advantage interests. It must and should continue to be Nigerian owned and led. It’s focus and priority should always be to harness and optimally deploy to the fullest potential our creative abilities and strength while managing for and mitigating risks associated with it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Celebrating Life…

The Experience of Life is a Lesson on how Short and Fleeting Each Moment is. We should and must Enjoy and Celebrate Every Moment in Our Lives Because they are Special and Significant. When life presents challenges that seem to overwhelm us, there should be Comfort and Rest in the Knowledge and Understanding that we have a Hope and Faith that transcends Human Knowledge and Limitations, which gives us that Boldness and Assurance during our Lowest Moments; which are just Temporal Jolts of Inspiration that will trigger a Mighty Wave of Energy and Passion that will form Currents of Healing and Peace bringing Comfort and Satisfaction to our Soul and Nourishment to our Heart.

My experience has always been to never despise low beginnings, because desperate times inspire courageous actions. It is the actions we take or inaction, our response to desperate times or lack thereof that will determine how we will survive in times of turbulence. Cautionary advice to hold onto in these times;

1. Never doubt, undermine, or underestimate your ability, capability, or talents; They are always the pathways to your success.

2. Celebrate Small Victories and find Relevance in them.

3. Take a chance, Do not stay Complacent; Complacency breeds Lasciviousness and Mediocrity.

4. Be thankful; Find time to be Grateful for the People, Things, Gifts, Opportunities, and Blessings God has given and bestowed upon you. No matter how Small, when you sum them up, it results to an insurmountable, indescribable, and unfathomable Testament of Grace.

5. Have a Joyful Disposition, when we react joyfully in times of desperation and in times of celebration, it reinforces our Faith and Belief that no matter what our circumstance and situation may be, there is something better at the end of the tunnel.

6. Ask questions; take a Self Evaluation or Assessment and Analyze yourself and the situation; a Self Diagnosis will reveal to you your strengths and weaknesses, your talents and abilities, your creativity and insight, your innovative nature, and your character. How? It is not Self Criticism, Self Condemnation, Guilty Aspersions, Blame Game, Fault Finding, or Responsibility Dodging that brings a Solution. It is a self assessment to discover the lessons learned, discover new knowledge or understanding, and bring clarity to life choices and experiences.

7. Find or create a Balance. Balance in life is essential. Find sometime and someplace that relaxes your mind, challenges your intellect, provokes your creativity, stimulates your mental attitude, awakens your vision, motivates your inner passion, and empowers and emboldens you. This could be a hobby, an activity, talent, ability, or skill. Celebrate it, Live it, and Make the Most of it.

In conclusion, I pray that you find the Peace within you to be Stable during the Storms of Life. I pray for a Courage and Determination in you that will negate every form of negativity, frustration, and fear.

I pray for the Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding to know what to do and how to do it.

I pray for a Spirit of Hope and Expectation that assures you that your Worst times are just temporal, that the lessons and experiences from these times serve only to remind you of the Testimony that is ahead.

I pray for a Spirit of Determination that douses every form of mediocrity, lasciviousness and complacency, and awakens the passion and ability in you to succeed.

I pray for a Spirit of Joy that keeps you thankful and grateful even when all around you seems desperate and despondent.

I pray for a Vision and Understanding of what your gifts, talents, and abilities are, so you can use them to the best of your ability and to the glory of God. I pray for a Spirit of Wise Counsel and Discernment to know between right and wrong and how to make Godly choices.

I pray that you will find the Wisdom and Understanding to discover the Strength in you, to tap into the Greatness upon you, to reveal the Beauty within you, and come to the full realization of your Purpose in life.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yes, You Can...

Do you ever question if God is real? Do you ever question if he has equipped you for Greatness? Do you ever doubt the Power and Ability you have to change the world? Do you ever question the Audacity of the Hope we have in our faith in him? Do you ever stop to wonder what an Awesome God, Our God is? I do. I can testify that Imperfect as I am, Undeserving as I am, Unfaithful as I am, Conceited as I am, he removes and scrapes the impurities in me to reveal the Gold (Valuable Treasure) that I have been made to be. Who can see that in ME but a God that LOVES me Unconditionally and Without Limitations or Boundaries? Though he slay me (He Will Not Slay Me), yet will I Praise him, His Praise shall continually be on my lips. What a Mighty God I serve, Heaven and Earth adore him, Angels Bow before Him, what a Mighty God I Serve.

I am always excited at what God does when he shows or reveals His love to me at the most inopportune or unexpected time, when I least deserve or feel worthy of it. God is so good and he does not need to consult anybody or anything when he decides to honor you; not your past or your present, not your qualifications or lack there of, not the quality of your Character or lack thereof, your talent or lack of talent, your potential or lack thereof. When God decides to Honor you and Showcase you, he does it so that everyone that sees, hears, and knows that it is God. You can not live an Ordinary Life with God on your side, you have an everlastingly extraordinary life waiting for you. You can not live a mediocre life with God on your side, you have an abundant above mediocre testimony happening. You can not live a subservient lifestyle with God on your side, you have awaiting a Kingly display of Splendor and Glory, you can not die until you have achieved Greatness because God has prepared you to be a Testament of His Glory.

May your light shine and the darkness comprehend it not, May you rise to height and Glory of God's Call on your Life, May everything that is broken, missing, or lacking in your life be Replaced, Restructured, Renewed, and Restored to its Full Glory. May every attempt to undermine you be God's opportunity to Empower and Promote you. May every sour taste in your mouth turn to Sweetness and May you live to see your Dreams Fulfilled, Hopes Realized, and Potential Maximized.

May God do Wonders in your Life today. May today be an example and demonstration of what God has impacted upon your life. May you shine brighter than the Stars, May you rise higher than the Clouds, May you soar higher above Principalities and Powers. May you walk with your head held High and with the Knowledge and Assurance that God Loves You, has a Plan for Your Life, will never leave nor forsake you, will Watch over You, will keep You in all your ways, will make a way for You when there seems to be no way, will help You when you need a helping hand, will be Your advocate and defense when You need someone to rise to your cause, will fight for You when you feel defenseless and under pressure, and will gird You up when you fall.

God Bless you, God Use you, Advance You, Promote You, Elevate You, Empower You, and Make You a Force to be reckoned with and a Showcase for His Glory in Jesus name.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Foreign Aid Snipets...

Foreign aid has always been seen as the best platform to transform Africa from a third world, developing continent ranking to a global power player that is independent, self-sufficient, and thriving. To boost this untrue assumption foreign governments especially the U.S. government have invested lots of money in foreign aid to Africa with the hope that these investments will help transform the economic capability of these African countries, as well as reap benefits for the governments providing the aid, but unfortunately, corruption, ineffective leadership and bad governance, political insecurity, lack of trained and qualified managers, lack of an administrative structure of development, and legislative oversight on economic policy development and implementation has resulted in mounting debt burdens by Africa that leading to poor investment of time and resources in paying off interests on these debts as opposed to investments in economic development.

Debt relief has seldom been utilized as a valid alternative in helping transform Africa’s economic situation, but, new studies are showing the benefits of debt relief in boosting the economic development outcome of African governments especially after the recent meeting of the G7 countries resulting in an agreement based on the foundation of the Millennium Goal Initiative for Africa to cancel completely the debt burden on some African countries, make recommendations for partial cancellation for others, and cancel the debt burden of some based on some pre-conditions.

Lack of sufficient economic growth and development, as well as social independence in Africa has been a big problem and a point of concern challenging economists and policy planners in developed countries like the U.S. where foreign aid commitments, a significant portion of their GDPs have been used as a tool to assess the effectiveness of their investments in third world countries growth and development, as well as measure the efficiency of their national policy initiatives regarding foreign aid. The question then is, should policy planners in the U.S. decide on foreign aid as a more beneficial tool to economic development in Africa or offer debt relief as a better option in enhancing our economic benefits towards economic development investment in Africa?

The Millennium Development Initiative, a proposal agreement between the developing countries and the developed countries initiated a set of bold goals that is recommended for implementation for Africa to lift it from a third world ranking to a global leader. These goals are to eradicate extreme hunger and poverty; achieve universal primary education; promote gender equality and empower women; reduce child mortality; improve maternal health; combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases; ensure environmental sustainability; and develop a global partnership for development.

To meet these noble goals, the U.S. has a major part to play to ensure they get the optimal return on their aid or relief by requiring and recommending responsible and effective leadership from Africa, efficient and qualified managers, empowerment and active participation of citizens in the decision process, efficient and productive projects and programs for development, as well as the development, implementation, and enforcement of proper rules and regulations to ensure transparent and accountable system of governance as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness and cost benefit advantage of their foreign aid or relief.

Foreign aid after debt relief is necessary to sustain the growth and development of Africa but policy administrators must put conditions that are flexible and fair, not harsh and impossible to ensure that governments’ investments yield positive.

African governments have a huge part to play to be responsible, accountable, effective, efficient, and economical with their resources and talent.
U.S. government must work with African governments hand in hand in knowledge transfer, technology advancement, poverty reduction, health service administration, democratic government development, investment in human potential and capital, independent resources development, and trade.

In order to initiate foreign aid in the future, corruption and good governance, accountability and transparency, promotion of Peace and Security at the highest level through preventive measures, identifying best practices, freezing foreign accounts of corrupt governments, confiscation of fraudulent assets, and repatriation must be enforced by the donors and recipients. Also, some foreign aid should come in the form of grants not loans to boost investment and return in value.